In the water, he was beautiful...

Well folks, the world is a little more real today, since we've lost old Kurt to the aliens of Trafalmador or the hostesses at the Monkey House. I woke this moring to a text from Positive T...our good buddy Vonnegut is dead at the grand old age of 84. I was kind of determined not to be sad...and I succeeded until about 11:50 AM...the sky was a "scrubbed grey" and it was sort-of raining...I had a headache from too much coffee and then I got on the bus...everything was muted and fuzzy, and I wondered who would ever poke fun at the world now?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think my first vonnegut was "slaughter house 5" sent to me by my good friend blaise while he was abroad with the army...kuwait i believe, right after high school. or something like that.