Sunday bloody sunday...I wish

I had a good thing going for two weeks straight...a steady meeting with a non-XU-student...for interesting conversation and bloody mary's. I love a good bloody mary. Does anyone remember the Waiting Room...with the toothpick full of tomolives and cocktail onions...dang. I tried to get our on-campus bar to make me a bloody last night, but they didn't have the stuff to fix it...lacking the tomato juice. I debated just getting a "mary"...but I actually hate vodka when it's not clothed in horseradish laden I opted for a first since Sunday, as I am trying to go back to the no-wheat no dairy eating habits. It's hard in the cafeteria setting...but it's given me one more thing to think I need it! This week kind of kicked my ass with mid-terms. My Physics test was difficult, and so I studied extra special hard for the Econ midterm, which I went into feeling prepared, and left feeling like I did my best. Has anyone read Paradise Lost...I'm not a fan, and that's what we're reading in Lit. class this week. Milton uses seven words when 1 will Dickens...I know it's a poem and the language is supposed to be flowery...but I've opted for the on-line study guide...whose music is a synthesized version of the Death Star theme from Star Wars. Somehow making P.L into a Star Wars parody makes it more palatable. I wonder if I can find an all-lego reenactment of the epic? (Paradise Lost...not Star Wars). It snowed again this weekend...but nothing like the snow in VT. I kind of wish I could be up there, seeing the 10ft snowbanks on Church Street and hosting a City Market Slumber Party at my old apartment...I thank all of you that have sent me pictures. Speaking of pictures...I have another installment of Lavatory Tour 2007...and more fun ice pictures...but I desperately need coffee, as my eyelids are heavy, and it's only 3PM! Have I mentioned the lack of decent coffee on campus...the cafeteria has decaf coffee...but vanilla flavored regular brew...and the on-campus coffee shop sucks worse than a gas station coffee shop. I want to jump over the counter and show them ow to make coffee. Plus, the only soy milk they have...vanilla...what is the deal with the kids and their vanilla coffee? Wierdly, the best coffee I can Subway...yes...that Subway...the place where you can eat a huge sandwich and lose weight...also has the only decent cuppa in town. Can I get my mayo on the side,. please?

Celebrating 30 posts...and being with the family

Tonight, I sleep at a nice bed in a room by myself and a house full of food and good booze. My sister and I went out for drinks tonight, to hang together and so she could flirt with this guy that we met a few weeks ago. It was awkward...but was different and I'm off campus. Now I'm hanging with my brother...listening to Reel Big Fish and watching him make rollercoasters on rollercoaster tycoon, with the big tv (with cable!!) on in the background and blogging away on the other computer...I feel like I've made it!

More lavatories...

Is this weird...who cares! This is the bathroom at my apartment...technically not a public lav, as I have to share it with three other women as well as whomever they have over at the time. Last night, one of the boyfriends came over and used the facilities, and walked out without washing his hands...all I could think about was "what of mine will he touch and I have to disinfect?" I have gotten much more germaphobic since being in this new living situation...I can't belive that my roommate would let him touch her without washing his hands...but whatever. I love hand sanitizer! I can't make these children do what I want, that's for sure. the second picture is the Gallagher student center ladies room...ohhh tile floors! ooohhh wall paper! Ohhh...we aren't trusted to even turn the faucet water on ourselves...the only bathroom that is more automated is the science facilities...only because there are lots of students with lots of chemicals running around...and we can't cross-contaminate...getting back to the non-hand-washing-boyfriend...I mean, gross!

Day two of ice storm 2007

More pictures from the ice storm from last's an ice palace outside...and the air is filled with the tinkling sounds of iced-over branches bouncing off each other. My parents have lost heat and power and have holed up in a hotel...while my apartment is warm and well-lit. School was cancelled last night at abouot 11:00 PM...and I'm actually a little bummed, just because I had a midterm scheduled for today, and I would much rather get it over with than have to wait until Friday. I studied most of the day and night yesterday...and I made over 50 flashcards of microeconomic terms...and I'm doing more practice tests today...while keeping up with the reading for my lit class and preparing my philosophy essay. I remember dropping out before I even considered doing all this multi-tasking 10 years I'm older and hopefully wiser...but I still feel like I'm just keeping my head above water. I'm about to go to the GSC public stay tuned for another edition of public loo tour 2007.

flowers and ice

Here are some images from the last few hours... These are one of the three plants that are currently gracing my desk at home...I forget what they are called, but they are adding a much needed splash of color to my world. Theabove pic and the next two are from the campus this morning...the tree in our front yard is encased in ice, and now the temperature is rising and the sleet has turned to full fledged rain. The temps are supposed to drop again tonight, making it a dangerous ice storm once again... But how pretty everything looks! I'm in my study tower in the "quiet room" where my typing in the only real noise...I'm about to take my econ practice test...can you tell that I'm procrastinating?

another snow day!

I woke up this morning to another announcement that the university is closed, classes are cancelled...and I don't even have to go to work today! I feel like a grade school kid, should I go to get iced cream, or take a nap...or study for my econ midterm? I'm actually glad to have the whole day to study, because economics is my most difficult class after Physics...I'm fully expecting my jaw to drop again tomorrw when I turn the test over. Wish me luck!!

Better days and more pictures...

Ok, here is the beginning of the tour of Xavier Bathrooms...while there are lots of differences...the one similarity between all of them (besides the basic toilet, sink, mirror fixtures) is that Xavier students are not trusted to flush the toilets on their own. The first thing that I thought of was: "Maybe this way, nobody can flush a cherry bomb down the toilet?" Here's the other random question...why is Ninja taking us on a tour of the public bathrooms? I'll tell you,'s because of all the new things in my life...sharing the bathroom and the frequency that I must use the public bathrooms makes me feel that my life is much more temporary that it may, in fact, be. For you see people...when you use a bathroom that it not your own...there are perks, and also letdowns. For one...buying toilet paper and soap is not as high on the shopping list, leaving room for other must-haves like a decent cup of coffee...more on that and the lack of it later...another upside is that someone else cleans the bathroom...usually...which brings me to the downsides...someone else cleans the bathroom...and perhaps not with the frequency that i would like. Also, the quality of products is not always up to snuff. I like to use a nice fragrant hand soap...and perhaps a lotion option would be nice? Alas...I don't attend school at the local country my hands smell of whatever blue goo they use to fill up those dispensers. The other reasons that publis bathrooms make me feel like a transient...simple fact...I can't leave my stuff in there. I used the term school gypsy a few posts ago, and it's really true. I was spoiled, working across the street from my home for two years...I rarely had to bring anything with, I find myself carting my possessions and comforts here there and everywhere. At least my back is getting stronger. Right now, I only have one picture to share...the bathroom at the Cintas Center...which houses our sports arena and student cafeteria. Notice the poured concrete floors, the available stalls...the girl at the sink washing her hands...(in the pink shirt) yeah...did she this I was weird...I'm sure she did. You know, I should be taking pictures of the looks people give me when I take a camera into the bathroom. I can only guess what they are thinking. I did have the privilege of using the bathroom in the Schmitt building on Friday, and I forgot my camera...half on purpose, because I was attending a lecture, and I thought that it was already disruptive that I was excusing myself in the middle...but to walk in and out with my camera would be doubly weird. I'm bummed because it was the only bathroom on campus that I've see with fresh flowers in it. Does anyone watch Seinfeld? I'm not fan, but I devour TV like it's chips and dip, and so I've caught a pair amount...anyway, George has the uncanny ability to find the best public bathrooms all over NYC..perhaps for the spring, I will be able to publish a similar guide to Cincinnati. I'll branch out...I promise...and find other bathrooms...bathrooms where the patrons are trusted to flush.

Sgt. Ninja's Broken Hearts Club Band

About to live through another V-day...sigh...not that I don't have anybody to love...I have a heart full of friends and family to express emotion to...and I'm not going to go off on the predictable rant about it being a hallmark holiday...or a pagan sex ritual...nope...I guess just think it's a silly "holiday"...probably because I won't have someone to hug and kiss a million times and maybe it makes me a little heartsick. I mean, I don't want to have a "steady" or anything...but I have needs, you know...I like to be wanted and to feel that same want inside myself. I think that a bit of this is just me feeling a little alone in the nobody really understands me. I think I'm being pulled down by the grey weather today...and the extremely hard physics midterm that I just finished, which makes my brain feel real empty. Going in to the test, I was so positive...and once I turned over the third page...the one with all the diagrams and essay jaw literally dropped. Oh jeez...this is getting harder by the day, you know? Here's the really crappy part...I was not-as-nice-or-as-thoughtful as I could have been this weekend to one person that I had considered close to me. Yeah, I was backed into a corner, and the fangs and claws came out. Normally, I am proud of myself when I can protect my heart from advances such as these...but not this weekend. It was weird...this boy likes me more than I like him, and it didn't end well. I feel like an asshole...but what can I do? I feel like I have so little in the world...I mean, I've been here in Ohio for one month (on Valentine's Day) and I share a room with a girl who snores...I have nothing but my clothes and poster collection to my name...and 5 classes that are beginning to get difficult...I just want to feel like it's getting better...and I know that it is...but I want to know HOW...the when part doesn't so much matter...but I just feel so uncertain. Like, should I get used to living here? Will I find that super-cool internship (or, better yet, job?) tomorrow? Can I find a nice apartment? Will I ever get my kitty back (I miss her so!)? I'm sorry to be such a debbie downer...things really are not so bad...I came home from work and my one roommate had gotten homemade cookies from her mom and shared them with me while we talked about boys. And the boy that came over yesterday brought me beautiful flowers which he allowed me to keep even after our fight. I gave back the rest of his gifts, including the iced cream, a real stupid move on my part since it was Black Raspberry Chip and iced cream always makes the heart feel better.

This is the best story I've heard this year...and it's all true!

Ok, I went to the XU Game on Wednesday...we won, which is great...good story, right? Kidding...ok, so we were sitting with one of my dad's associates, and she told us this story about her cousin, that took his son to the Newport Aquarium last weekend. The Newport Aquarium is in Kentucky...right over the river from Cincy. Anyway...the kid, who is 9 years old, got lost and his parents were frantic...they were looking everywhere for him, and after a half an hour of searching, saw him walking down the hallway towards them, without a coat on, shivering. He said that he was freezing and he wanted to go home. They said ok, and took him home quickly. As soon as he got to the house, he ran upstairs and the parents heard bathwater running. Figuring that he was taking a warm bath after being so cold, they went up to check on him and what did they find? THE KID STOLE A BABY PENGUIN!!!! I tell you true, folks. He was watching the staff go in and out of the display and sneaked his way in, smuggled out a baby penguin into his backpack and then found his parents and asked to come home! THE KID STOLE A BABY PENGUIN!!!! The parents immediately called the Aquarium and then drove back and made the kid return the penguin (of course)...and then proceeded to call every single person they knew. So, if you want a baby penguin, I know a 9 year old that can help you out. (The baby penguin is fine and no charges were leveled on this kid, although I imagine that he's not allowed back for a while.) No pictures today, so far...but I'll post later tonight...I have one more class and then it's the weekend....wheeee!

these pretzels are making me thirsty!

Don't ask me why that's the subject of this next entry...I blame the television. My friend brought over antenna the other night so we could watch the Superbowl, and the television has been on ever since. For those of you that know me, you must know how much I adore's right there next to sleeping and eating. Well, I have the right (or wrong, depending on your POV) roommates...because they love television as much as I do...perhaps even more. I think that all four of us need to be sleeping for the television to be turned off. I now have to leave the house to get my work done. Today, I even found myself making flashcards in front of the muted's downhill from here. As My dearest Angela has pointed out...I have not been updating as well as I could possibly...going almost two weeks without so much as a peep. Well, I have begun to get into the rhythm of classes and had papers due and even a test this afternoon. It's all about time management, and I'm trying my hardest. I have been taking pictures, though...and today, since I got to leave Theology class after the test was completed, I ave stationed myself at Gallagher to post them to the shiner blog. Speaking of which, I really really miss the VT a lot. Subway just doesn't taste like a Vegan Club...and nothing on the salad bar at school compares to the steamed kale with nutritional yeast that I am salivating for. I went to Wild Oats last night...$18.99 for Tamari Roasted Almonds?!?!?!?!? But the good news...well, this is what's currently in my fridge... Oh man...did I get excited about that! I have already consumed the IPA, but I'm totally celebrating my VT roots tonight for dinner...speaking of VT...I'm currently being blamed for the recent weather... Which began to fall on Tuesday afternoon and resulted in the following announcement... Fine, blame me for an afternoon free of class and full of television watching...My classes resumed the next day...but my brother's high school had early dismissal as well as the next day off. I was watching TV last night, and there are schools out even today, although the roads are fairly clear at this point...and the sun is shining. What you have to understand about cincinnati is that they freak out when there is frozen precipitation...or any precipitation...and I giggle all the way home. It is frigid weather, however...I felt my fingers tingle after just a few minutes outside...and the bus is much much much less reliable when the weather sucks...Tuesday, as I left work, I missed the first bus and I had to wait and wait and wait for the next one. Luckily, it came only ten minutes past schedule...but the next bus was delayed a few HOURS! My fellow riders were trading stories last night as I rode home. One was on the #51 for FIVE HOURS...and he still had to transfer to another bus to get home. Speaking of work, here are a few pictures of the displays that Lizzie has set up. The store is beautiful to work in...and I have really nice co-workers that I have known forever. The store is owned by a mother and daughter...I played soccer with Lizzie and her sister, and another employee, Kelly, attended grade school and high school with me. While a bit's also comfortable and familiar. And I don't have to do a lot of explaining of my situation, since these ladies are "in the loop" and know all about my "bohemian journey" (as they call it). I don't mind working there, especially since it's my only source of income... This morning, I woke up to my sister calling to ask me where the nearest bagel shop was located...I persuaded her to pick me up, and we went out for a quick bite. I simply adore being back with the family. My sister and I are hanging out a few times a week, and she has applied to Xavier to attain her masters in nursing, starting in the fall. The other night, we went out to a bar and as we were talking, a boy came up to talk to us. "You girls look like you're having a great conversation!" and Caitlin and I shot each other and "Oh, Jesus" look, but allowed him to sit down. He turned out to be a decent guy...#5 of 6 siblings, so we loved that about him...but as he was talking the two of us were responding with the same words and the same was eerie, and we both noticed and we both got all googily...oh, sisters! It turned out that this boy knew our parents, who also liked him because of his big family (among other things). Smallest town on earth...for real. I had another topic to discuss, but I can't remember it anymore, and I am getting a bit I'm off to get some coneys and do my laundry. I do want to welcome my Theology Prof. Dr. Tan to the blog...he and I spoke about blogging today, since part of our class discussion is on-line...and he asked me for my blog address to check it out. I know I haven't make any disparaging comments about the class...but I hold fast to my opinion of the jerks in the back row that don't seem to have any respect for the class. I'm consoling myself with the fact that I'll do better in the long run...but I won't lie...I find myself thinking of ways to work their obvious lack of maturity into the a witty way, of course. Up next, a tour of the public bathrooms at Xavier...I've found one that still has ashtrays located in it!