Sunday bloody sunday...I wish

I had a good thing going for two weeks straight...a steady meeting with a non-XU-student...for interesting conversation and bloody mary's. I love a good bloody mary. Does anyone remember the Waiting Room...with the toothpick full of tomolives and cocktail onions...dang. I tried to get our on-campus bar to make me a bloody last night, but they didn't have the stuff to fix it...lacking the tomato juice. I debated just getting a "mary"...but I actually hate vodka when it's not clothed in horseradish laden I opted for a first since Sunday, as I am trying to go back to the no-wheat no dairy eating habits. It's hard in the cafeteria setting...but it's given me one more thing to think I need it! This week kind of kicked my ass with mid-terms. My Physics test was difficult, and so I studied extra special hard for the Econ midterm, which I went into feeling prepared, and left feeling like I did my best. Has anyone read Paradise Lost...I'm not a fan, and that's what we're reading in Lit. class this week. Milton uses seven words when 1 will Dickens...I know it's a poem and the language is supposed to be flowery...but I've opted for the on-line study guide...whose music is a synthesized version of the Death Star theme from Star Wars. Somehow making P.L into a Star Wars parody makes it more palatable. I wonder if I can find an all-lego reenactment of the epic? (Paradise Lost...not Star Wars). It snowed again this weekend...but nothing like the snow in VT. I kind of wish I could be up there, seeing the 10ft snowbanks on Church Street and hosting a City Market Slumber Party at my old apartment...I thank all of you that have sent me pictures. Speaking of pictures...I have another installment of Lavatory Tour 2007...and more fun ice pictures...but I desperately need coffee, as my eyelids are heavy, and it's only 3PM! Have I mentioned the lack of decent coffee on campus...the cafeteria has decaf coffee...but vanilla flavored regular brew...and the on-campus coffee shop sucks worse than a gas station coffee shop. I want to jump over the counter and show them ow to make coffee. Plus, the only soy milk they have...vanilla...what is the deal with the kids and their vanilla coffee? Wierdly, the best coffee I can Subway...yes...that Subway...the place where you can eat a huge sandwich and lose weight...also has the only decent cuppa in town. Can I get my mayo on the side,. please?


Anonymous said...

*cough cough* Time for another post?

Anonymous said...


....fer more...


Also, y'know, miss ya.

Anonymous said...

*tapsmicrophone* is this thing on?