The countdown begins!

With 29 more days left as a Vermont resident, the time is ripe to begin the massive give-it-away-a-thon...if you want stuff, I'm your gal...I've got a dresser, clothes, fabric, art supplies and lots of "things" that are fun, but won't be able to make it to Ohio. Check back here in a few days for a list and pictures...or just stop by my house to window shop.
Oh yeah...and I have a small kitty that can't live in the dorms with me...perhaps I can sneak her into class with me each day...who can resist this face? But seriously, I'll have to do some creative thinking about how to get this baby to the buckeye state...
Up next..stay tuned fr a crash course in Cincinnati, along with helpful links to fun places, and a comparison between Cincinnati Bacon & Farmer's Diner Bacon (as prompted by fellow "Green Mountain Buckeye, Jason!)


Anonymous said...

Hey! Looking forward to these installments!

Been pondering the unlikely lately--maybe opening up a Skyline establishment using locally raised meet and cheese. What say? Burlington's about the only town that'd work in, you know?

Well, maybe Yellow Springs...

Ninja For Hire said...

Could you imagine a raw food skyline...with carrot and walnut paste over buckwheat soba noodles and a raw cheese...we would be killed...even in Yellow Springs.