Day two of ice storm 2007

More pictures from the ice storm from last's an ice palace outside...and the air is filled with the tinkling sounds of iced-over branches bouncing off each other. My parents have lost heat and power and have holed up in a hotel...while my apartment is warm and well-lit. School was cancelled last night at abouot 11:00 PM...and I'm actually a little bummed, just because I had a midterm scheduled for today, and I would much rather get it over with than have to wait until Friday. I studied most of the day and night yesterday...and I made over 50 flashcards of microeconomic terms...and I'm doing more practice tests today...while keeping up with the reading for my lit class and preparing my philosophy essay. I remember dropping out before I even considered doing all this multi-tasking 10 years I'm older and hopefully wiser...but I still feel like I'm just keeping my head above water. I'm about to go to the GSC public stay tuned for another edition of public loo tour 2007.

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