these pretzels are making me thirsty!

Don't ask me why that's the subject of this next entry...I blame the television. My friend brought over antenna the other night so we could watch the Superbowl, and the television has been on ever since. For those of you that know me, you must know how much I adore's right there next to sleeping and eating. Well, I have the right (or wrong, depending on your POV) roommates...because they love television as much as I do...perhaps even more. I think that all four of us need to be sleeping for the television to be turned off. I now have to leave the house to get my work done. Today, I even found myself making flashcards in front of the muted's downhill from here. As My dearest Angela has pointed out...I have not been updating as well as I could possibly...going almost two weeks without so much as a peep. Well, I have begun to get into the rhythm of classes and had papers due and even a test this afternoon. It's all about time management, and I'm trying my hardest. I have been taking pictures, though...and today, since I got to leave Theology class after the test was completed, I ave stationed myself at Gallagher to post them to the shiner blog. Speaking of which, I really really miss the VT a lot. Subway just doesn't taste like a Vegan Club...and nothing on the salad bar at school compares to the steamed kale with nutritional yeast that I am salivating for. I went to Wild Oats last night...$18.99 for Tamari Roasted Almonds?!?!?!?!? But the good news...well, this is what's currently in my fridge... Oh man...did I get excited about that! I have already consumed the IPA, but I'm totally celebrating my VT roots tonight for dinner...speaking of VT...I'm currently being blamed for the recent weather... Which began to fall on Tuesday afternoon and resulted in the following announcement... Fine, blame me for an afternoon free of class and full of television watching...My classes resumed the next day...but my brother's high school had early dismissal as well as the next day off. I was watching TV last night, and there are schools out even today, although the roads are fairly clear at this point...and the sun is shining. What you have to understand about cincinnati is that they freak out when there is frozen precipitation...or any precipitation...and I giggle all the way home. It is frigid weather, however...I felt my fingers tingle after just a few minutes outside...and the bus is much much much less reliable when the weather sucks...Tuesday, as I left work, I missed the first bus and I had to wait and wait and wait for the next one. Luckily, it came only ten minutes past schedule...but the next bus was delayed a few HOURS! My fellow riders were trading stories last night as I rode home. One was on the #51 for FIVE HOURS...and he still had to transfer to another bus to get home. Speaking of work, here are a few pictures of the displays that Lizzie has set up. The store is beautiful to work in...and I have really nice co-workers that I have known forever. The store is owned by a mother and daughter...I played soccer with Lizzie and her sister, and another employee, Kelly, attended grade school and high school with me. While a bit's also comfortable and familiar. And I don't have to do a lot of explaining of my situation, since these ladies are "in the loop" and know all about my "bohemian journey" (as they call it). I don't mind working there, especially since it's my only source of income... This morning, I woke up to my sister calling to ask me where the nearest bagel shop was located...I persuaded her to pick me up, and we went out for a quick bite. I simply adore being back with the family. My sister and I are hanging out a few times a week, and she has applied to Xavier to attain her masters in nursing, starting in the fall. The other night, we went out to a bar and as we were talking, a boy came up to talk to us. "You girls look like you're having a great conversation!" and Caitlin and I shot each other and "Oh, Jesus" look, but allowed him to sit down. He turned out to be a decent guy...#5 of 6 siblings, so we loved that about him...but as he was talking the two of us were responding with the same words and the same was eerie, and we both noticed and we both got all googily...oh, sisters! It turned out that this boy knew our parents, who also liked him because of his big family (among other things). Smallest town on earth...for real. I had another topic to discuss, but I can't remember it anymore, and I am getting a bit I'm off to get some coneys and do my laundry. I do want to welcome my Theology Prof. Dr. Tan to the blog...he and I spoke about blogging today, since part of our class discussion is on-line...and he asked me for my blog address to check it out. I know I haven't make any disparaging comments about the class...but I hold fast to my opinion of the jerks in the back row that don't seem to have any respect for the class. I'm consoling myself with the fact that I'll do better in the long run...but I won't lie...I find myself thinking of ways to work their obvious lack of maturity into the a witty way, of course. Up next, a tour of the public bathrooms at Xavier...I've found one that still has ashtrays located in it!


Anonymous said...

Yayyyyyyy new postin'!
I'd figgered you'd been holed up in th' warm warm warm house during th' snow and cold an' nonsense, but I certainly was jonsein' for more gossips + updates.

Do you find it ironic that VeeTee 'as almost no snow, and, although it IS mighty cold, it's not as stuff-shutting-down cold as everywhere else? I'm jus' glad I managed to travel through th' only halfway decent window of available opportunity!

I want you an' Professor Tan to develop a secret code to Mock Th' Morons by. That would delight me to no end.

I am headed to Florida, where I will be sure to get a sunburn (no, rilly; it's not an option with me), an orange blossom tattoo, and mayyyyybe go to th' beach. With an umbrella. And a hat. And of course...Rubber Chicken.

Smooches to you from on th' road!

JT said...

Nice blog. Thanks for welcoming me to your blog. I share your sentiments about the kids on the last two rows of class. To paraphrase someone else, I don't get to choose my students, I have to make the best from the students I have. ROTF... If you think of a delightful codeword for that bunch, let me know... Enjoy having you in class!