Mt. Everest

Last night, I spoke with my dear friend Angela, whom I miss very much...and I was happy to talk to her and hear her musical laugh in my ear and think of her in her cute apartment, snug as a bug under a blanket...this morning I woke to the smell of spring and freshly washed hair and the sight of budding daffodills, a letter from my dad including an article about Burlington Vermont and a horoscope that said it's time for forgive and move on...I'm choosing life today. I am being too hard on myself and the world right now, and I'm going to try and stop doing that. I'm going to listen to my favorite songs and walk outside as much as I can and revel in my 4th A+ paper (whoo-hoo!) the article my dad sent me and remember the beauty. This life is mine...I chose to do it and I choose to like it or hate it. Getting drunk doesn't help...watching 5 hours of TV doesn't help...and being all weepy doesn't help. G-lo gave me some good advice, and by gum, I'm gonna do it. I miss hugs and smooching with friends who walked into my life...but it'll come least I'm wearing my favorite t-shirt. Smile, dudes...I'm eating chili fries.

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