Beating Dayton...a Xavier tradition

Tomorrow is the big game against the Dayton Flyers, and my dad and I are totally going and totally wearing matching's going to be our first collegiate sporting event together since the 90's! My family are not sports fanatics by any means...but we do like games of all sorts, and especially when our team wins. With so many allegiances (sibling colleges are Clemson and Fordham and Xavier and UC, plus Ohio State by proximity)and local sports teams (Bengals, Reds)...nobody that I'm related to goes into any deep depression when anyone loses...and as Bengals fans, we DO lose. I've had boyfriends in the past that lived and died by the NCAA Men's basketball schedule...and for years after we broke up, I celebrated NOT caring about March Madness. But now, being back in a community of fans...I can find myself getting swept up into it again. I'm glad that I'm not being MADE to watch the games...and even if I am, basketball is a way shorter game than football...which cannot hold my attention at all. However, my friends Tanner and JB did give me a short list of football terms and phrases...I love going to a sporting event and looking stupid. I either get a bunch of eye rolling, and then change the subject (which is funny) or they try and explain the rules and THEN roll their eyes when they realize that I'm too far gone to bother with. Either way, it passes the time. Speaking of time passing, my time with Norm has ended (sad) but it was so so much fun! Here are the pictures from last night's adventure...and if any of y'all visit me down south, you can expect the same good time, tempered with frequent visits to local Home of the best burger and cheapest beer I've ever had...our meal consisted of two Zipburgers (one word) with cheese and "through the garden" (which means "with all the veggies") and fries and a bottle of Hudepohl, Cincinnati's distinctive brew. Today was another day of classes and work...and my first paper for English is due Monday, and I'm getting it out of the way tonight...even though it's Friday night. Luckily, our student center has free laptops for checking out, and a 24 hour computer lab...and a bar...which one will I go to first? My paper is about defending one of four "traditions" described in my English text...and I'm drawing on my experience at City Market to write a narrative about expressive individualism within the structure of a republican tradition...not those kinds of republicans...I'm not that midwestern! I tried to visit my bar after work (Teller's is right down the street) but alas, it is Friday and the bar was already crowded at 5:30PM...full of suits.The other bar down the street was empty...but their whiskey is $5 more than Teller's...and since I'm really taking my econ class seriously, I opted for tea at the coffee shop...put my feet up and read until I had to catch the bus. Since Jinx has left, I am back to reading my book while I eat in the dining hall...but the solitary life is cool with me...I've a great deal on my mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beating Dayton...a Xavier tradition??

Just curious, if Dayton has a winning record vs. X, how can beating them be a tradition?