outside the box

As I mentioned before, I go to the bar after class for a cocktail, and then to the coffee shop (Awakenings in Hyde Park, Gavin!) to have a shot of caffeine before boarding the bus back to school. I'm not sure if it was the whiskey or the fact that I am getting more comfortable...but this is turning out to be a fun adventure (note to self, read this entry when you are sad) Tonight I went to the bar to read my Lit. book and accidentally ran into someone that was supposed to call me tonight...oops for him...ah well. I ended up sitting next to the same guy I sat next to last night...a 25 year-old lawyer who likes movies and goes to the bar (Teller's) by himself after work...he's not a potential crush, but he does like the Jackass movies (Tamsen, take note...he loves Pontius) and didn't seem to mind when I broke into his conversation with the bartender. After speaking with him and watching the XU game (thank goodness, as it staved off the boredom and the task of reading the Lit. book I had originally intended to read...plus, a win for Xavier!!) I went to the coffee shop and was recognized by the barista (Jimmy), who spoke with me for a while before I had to catch the bus, and informed me that there is another bar in Cincinnati that serves Jameson for $3 a glass...what the fuck am I doing at Teller's?! After getting my tea for the evening, I got on the bus and couldn't help the smile that crept across my face...could it be that I am finding my own community? Confession time...the only thing open on campus (as far as late night eats) is Subway...and I'm about to retire with a 6" turkey on whole wheat bread and mayo...I'm so mid-west.

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