No pictures...just a really boring novel

I'm fighting the urge to nap every afternoon. Today I walked all over everywhere, forgetting for a while that I had my schoolbag and all my books with me. "Why does my back hurt?!" I kept wondering, as I slung the overstuffed bag this way and that in an attempt to ease the burden. I forgot about being a school gypsy...taking everything I need with me at all times. Luckily, the books are not awfully heavy...but can someone please explain to me why a 200 page economics book costs $119.50?? I'd sooner steal the book and photocopy the pages...I may just try that, anyway. Speaking of expensive, I had to purchase my individual insurance plan today. There's no going uninsured in college...or when your father sells insurance, like mine. Want to meet him? That's him on the welcome video. Nothing makes me miss City Market like paying for my own health insurance. Today in Theology class we were discussing Young Adults and Religion, and the professor said: "I really want the young part of the class to lead this Kelly and Joan can just keep quiet." Any illusion that I looked young dissolved with my classmates laughter...I'll get them back somehow! I've been trading phone calls with a boy from the past and he and I and some others are supposed to get together tonight...but so far there has been no follow up call. Can I cut him off and go to the bar, or should I wait another half hour? Being in Cincy has made me impatient. Another boy from the past just called, and against my better judement, I made plans to see him this weekend. I'm making him take me to the art museum for a Georgia O'Keefe undertones there. Actually, this is the boy that told me I made a poor investment...why am I going to see him again?

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