The girl from the north country

Last night/this morning I went to bed at 5AM after reading my book AND watching "V for Vendetta" (which was wonderful)...and there was no snow on the ground. I woke up 5.5 hours later to a call from my Dad "You know this is all your fault" he said (sarcastically) into the phone. I pulled my head off the pillow and saw the fresh three inches of snow that had fallen in the time I was dreaming. Sure, the snow just followed me here. It's nice to see, thought...familiar. Last night was kind of a trip. I was in my pj's watching the movie when two girls (friends of the roomies) came in asking if there were any boys in the girls room. Confused, I said no, and they proceeded to push past me and barge into the bedroom, rousing one of the girls out of bed and screaming about a fight with a boyfriend or ex-boyfriend. Tears and sreaming and traded cell phone calls went on for all of 10 minutes, until I (in the words of Scissorfight) "Put the Hammer Down"...demanding that anyone that didn't live in my house was to "...vacate the house before I get super pissed." It pays to be older sometimes. These girls were just wasted and after fighting with their boyfriends, decided to come over and find my roommates to fight with. I'm sure that's not the whole story, but I don't give a fuck...get out of my house when I'm trying to watch a movie. I'm not sure if this girl will remember what she did last night, but I'm not into drama in the casa. Speaking of which, here's a blurry-ish (sorry) picture of my new digs. I'm on the first floor, with three girls, and three more girls live upstairs from us. I'm in the student center again, blogging before I catch the bus to Hyde Park and hang in the bookstore, reading magazines...or I'll clean the bathroom...hmmm, which sounds more appealing?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're having th' True 'n Righteous College Experience, eh?


Aren't YOU lucky, kinda.

It'll be extry special when someone barfs in your shoes.